Economic Development Services Offered:

The Hamman Consulting Group has provided analysis and advisory services to economic development organizations around the U.S., ranging from small rural communities, large cities and multi-county regions. 

• Economic Development Strategy/Planning

        Work collaboratively with local stakeholders to develop a realisitc development roadmap to guide future economic development initiatives and planning policies.


• Target Industry/Cluster Analysis

        Identify industry sector opportunities to better focus business attraction efforts through understanding of how the  regional economy and locational attributes impact a community's ability to effectively compete for, and win,  competitive site selection projects.


• Community Representation/Project Management

        From providing expertise on a specific project, to ongoing services as a community's economic development  representative.  Flexible, cost effective and provides access to national network of contacts.


• Business Attraction & Lead Generation

        Proactive marketing and networking efforts aimed at corporate decision makers within target industry sectors; may  include trade-show/industry conference representation.


• Grant Writing

        Proactively monitor and identify opportunities for clients to maximize savings through local/state/federal grant programs. 


• GIS Mapping & Analysis

        Customized geospatial data analysis and map generation that may be used for economic/demographic analysis,  customer/competitor locations, etc...


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